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Modern Appalachian Culture

Appalachian Culture Today
Modern Appalachian Culture

Culture throughout Appalachia has changed throughout its history. As music, arts, folklore, and traditions come and go, the culture changes. One thing that never changes in Appalachian culture is the true core of it, the connection to family and community. Appalachia was built from the ground up by a community of people that care very strongly about each other and creating a place where no matter the conflict, when in doubt, everyone will support and help each other.


“When I was 15 years old,” Kevin G, an Appalachian resident said, “Overall, growing up in Appalachia was a great education. Learning how to survive and how to use common sense. To live a peaceful life in a community where everyone knew and helped each other.”


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These people were taught to fight for each other, use their hands to create their living, tell stories to encourage the younger generations, serve food to create that “homey” feel, and use their belief as their true stability.


“I still live here in Kerens,” Kevin G said. “I am thankful to be surrounded by the beautiful Appalachian mountains and still hang on to the culture of a simple life with hard work and a backwoods education.”


Appalachia is the true definition of “mixing pot” when it comes to its culture and its people. This group of people is mixed of many different religions, backgrounds, traditions, careers, and ethnicities. Within a mixing pot like this, one would expect a lot of conflict. While in reality, these people with different backgrounds have still spent their lives building everything themselves and they recognize that in each other. It’s a beautiful thing to see people with different upbringings recognize and respect each other’s hard work enough to create a tight knit community that always comes together in a time of need.


“I appreciate those who chose to cross the Appalachian mountains and create a home away from the settlements are strong and independent people who are proud to have developed a life of their own.”

Eva G

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