Overconsumption has been an ongoing issue in America. Many things are manufactured in bulk. When something is popular among consumers companies all make their own version of said thing. This causes everyone to have multiple of this item. It will be seen everywhere with the majority having said item.
One variant of overconsumption is microtrends. This is a trend that is huge while it lasts, but blows over quickly. Microtrends have been around for a long time, but have been more recognized recently. It’s almost been an invasion of microtrends. They have been everywhere.
Microtrends are mainly boosted by social media. There are many apps where you can find the quickest content available. Scroll by scroll there is new content. This helps show new styles and products quickly. Microtrends normally last a few months and then a new trend will show up on people’s feeds. Social media is one of the most efficient ways to advertise these trends, and companies understand this.
Because of microtrends being boosted on social media, it is mainly targeted towards teenagers. Therefore many of the products are consumed by teenagers. Then the influencers on said apps will encourage others to get the product. Then once kids see their peers all having it, they develop the urge to have it. Causing most of the people you see owning at least one version of the product.
Once companies notice the trend, they want in on the benefits the other companies get. Then they begin to start making versions of it as well. It is produced as much as it can be produced. This is partly why these trends are micro. People get tired of seeing them everywhere. The products get overexhasted by these companies, but that doesn't stop people from purchasing them while they are trending.
Although these products are really fun and enjoyable, it isn’t very beneficial to our economy, or personal currency. This is because it leads to mass waste of the products once they aren’t trending. There will be higher production costs while making said product. As well as economic instability.
There is already a huge amount of microtrends our generation has taken part in. Bows are one of these trends. This is a popular example due to how much it is consumed. Bows will be on at least one thing for any brand you indulge in. This has started to reach a point where many are growing tired of the excessive amount of ribbons, which will be the end result of the majority of microtrends.
Even so, these trends can be very enjoyable despite the issues brought along with them. Due to this, I believe that microtrends will always be around. The same idea goes towards the companies as well, they will always want to take part and exploit the fact that something is very well liked.