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Skyscrapers to Small Towns

Discovering Community and Finding Dreams
Skyscrapers to Small Towns

Imagine being a young African American boy moving from multiple big cities to a little town in the mountains of West Virginia. The feeling of swapping out skyscrapers and bumper to bumper traffic is something you wouldn’t think you would miss living in the city. When you’re there, skyscrapers and big buildings are something you would not acknowledge being around everyday. Same with traffic, you hate it! But leaving the city, I miss all of that. I always said that I feel like these little towns are so behind the city, culturally, store and fast food chains, schools, the jobs and minimum wage, and there is not as much for a kid to do.  Movies and shows can’t quite give you the reality of how it really is having to adjust. Just everyday living is so much different, but you would never really know until you live it yourself.

Leaving the city for a small town charm, it’s a mix of excitement, curiosity, and a dash of nervousness. What I’ve noticed, the pace slows down but the community is close. It gives you a chance to be closer with your community such as, sports, school, church, work etc. Not saying you can’t do that in a bigger city- it’s just easier in a little town where everyone knows everyone .

I started playing sports when I moved down here which brought me closer to the community, not feeling like an outsider as much.

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As I grew older, the small town charm died down and became very boring. Friends got older, graduated and moved to bigger cities. There is nothing I can do but wait my turn to leave this small town.

I thank this small town for the lessons it has taught me, but I can’t wait to start my own journey surrounded by buildings as tall as dreams. Possibly even turn one of the buildings into my dream.  

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