Elkins High Students Take ASVAB Test


The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is an assessment that challenges a person’s knowledge in typically ten areas. The skills and knowledge that are tested apply to military service jobs, and when completed the scores are determined and looked over by recruiters.

According to Mrs. Carter, a counselor at Elkins High, the better test-takers do, the more sought after they become to recruiters.“Obviously the higher you score on it, if you are going into the military, they will put you in a different pay level, as well as it can open up more opportunities of jobs within the military.”

On November 9th, many students of Elkins High School applied their skills in hopes of excelling at this test. The ten standard areas of testing contain general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, mathematics knowledge, electronics information, auto information, shop information, mechanical comprehension, and assembling objects.

About fifteen to twenty students of Elkins High ̶typically Juniors and Seniors ̶will take this test each year. “Sometimes Juniors will take it [the ASVAB] so that they can prepare themselves to take it again as a Senior to get that higher score.” Mrs. Carter explained.